THE RIGHT DOG FOR THE JOB-Dorothy Hinshaw Patent

Ira's path from service dog to guide dog

Author: Dorothy Hinshaw Patent
Image result for the right dog for the jobPublished:2011
Printed in the U.S.A

What is it about?

Ira was born on Shy Bear Farm in Montana, along with his sister, Ivy, and his brother, Ike. Like all newborn puppies, the three young golden revivers have closed eyes, velvety ears, and very soft fur. But these cute puppies were born with a special purpose, by the time they are 2 years old, each is expected to have become a service dog. When he finished school, no company could take him as a service dog, but one company took him as a guide dog, the company was called Guide Dogs for the Blind in Sean Rafael. Iras name was changed into Irah.

What do i think?

Although it was a non-fiction book, I really was interested in this book, it informed me about Service Dogs and Guide Dogs, and i really was surprised to see a dog learn this fast! i recommend this to readers from age 7+ and if i was the author, i would probably put some more detail to the book. I would rate this book a 4 and a half out of 5.
Image result for 4 and a half stars pic


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